Right Carpets For Your Living Room?

When it comes to selecting the right living room carpets, you need to consider some aspects. For example you need to know about the style, material, size and types of the rugs of common use. Here, we will discuss these aspects in order to help you select the right rug for your living room.

Tips for buying right rug

Following are the tips you should consider while buying the right Carpets for your living room.

Size :

Size of a rug is the first and foremost thing you need to consider. Most of the people are mistaken in this regard and they choose the small sized rugs, while others choose the rug which covers all the area of the room. You need to be careful about the size of the rug you are going to use in your living room. However, which of these you decide, just keep in mind that there must be a space left around the rug ranging from 4 to 8 inches. This can be the ideal way to decorate your room with a rug.


The second factor which highly affects the decoration of your room is the color of rug you are going to choose for your room. Generally it is recommended that you should choose light colors for your rug, because light colors make the small spaces look larger. Moreover, if you are using dark colors in a room which is not colorful then it will make the appearance of the room dull. So , you need to avoid using dark colors. However, if the appearance of your living room is bright and colorful, then you need to use the rugs that have a contrasting color. This will make the color of your room well balanced. 

Material :

While choosing a rug for your living room, material or we can say that texture of the rugs also matters. It depends upon you, which of them you opt. For example wool rugs are thick and warm and soft. Rugs made up of silk are soft to touch, comfortable and luxurious, but they are expensive too. We can say that wool and silk rugs are costly. On the other hand, cotton rugs are inexpensive and they can work as an alternative for expensive rugs like wool and silk rugs. But, cotton rugs are less reliable as compared to wool and silk rugs and fade earlier. Leather and sheepskin rugs are made up of hides of these animals. The plus point for these rugs is that they are easy to clean. Drawback of using these rugs is that they get curled from the edges. But you can fix it by ironing them from the backside.

Before you are going to buy a rug for your living room, you must be aware of the aspects mentioned above regarding the size, color and texture. Once you come to know about these factors, it would be easier for you to decide what kind of rug meets the requirements of your living room.

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